Frequently Asked Questions
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Questions about purchasing a water filter?
Belgian drinking water companies can filter most of the pollution from water. With that, we do very well in Belgium compared to other countries. However, they cannot remove everything from the water. Small amounts still remain. These include medicine and hormone residues, chemicals, pesticides and PFOS, for example.
We at Aqua-Vitae believe that filtering harmful substances for our health is decisive in the decision to choose a water filter after all. Filtered tap water is the only option that is best for the environment, your health and your wallet together.
With the Aqua-Vitae systems, we are able to remove up to 99.99% of this contamination. With this, we go one step further than the drinking water companies. Anything that does not enter your body cannot cause anything in your body.
The following guidelines may help you in purchasing an Aqualine water filter.
Number of people, what are you using the water for.
Each system has a different size. Except for use, the size of the water filter may be limited by the space you have available.
The Aqualine 5, 12, Neos are available in glass and abs (plastic). The Aqualine 18 is available in glass.
Alkaline/Redox or pH neutral
This choice has nothing to do with filtering. They all do that the same way. Alkaline/Redox is of interest to people who are acidified. It is an additional feature.
Aqualine 5
High 46 cm, wide 24 cm
- 1 - 2 people.
- drinking water and making coffee/tea with it.
Aqualine 12
High 56 cm, wide 32 cm *
- 1-2 people.
- Drinking water, making coffee/tea with it.
- Cooking.
Aqualine Neos
High 46 cm, wide 26 cm, deep 29 cm
- more than 2 people.
- Drinking water, making coffee/tea with it.
- Cooking.
Aqualine 18
High 53 cm, wide 32 cm *
- multi-person families.
- Drinking water, making coffee/tea with it.
- Cooking.
* The dimensions of the Aqualine 12 and 18 are correct. The glass tank of the Aqualine 12 is a little higher and narrower and that of the Aqualine 18 a little wider and lower.
Yes, Aqualine products are guaranteed free of harmful substances such as BPA (Bisphenol A), phthalates and other toxic substances.
Read our extensive page on alkaline water for more information at this link
The combination of a 0.2 micron (0.0002 mm) ceramic pre-filter and the different layers in the multi-step filter allow you to filter about 1.5 liters of water per hour. If new filters are installed, it may take a little longer at first because the filters have to become saturated.
If the filters are unopened in their original packaging, they will keep indefinitely if stored in a dark and cool place.
If the multistep filter and pH ring have been in use they can be stored in a sealed plastic bag in the refrigerator for up to six months.
Microplastics refer to pieces of plastic with a size of 0.05 - 5 mm.
The pre-filter (ceramic filter) of our Aqualine water filters has holes of 0.0002 mm.
So our Aqualine filters easily stop microplastics.
Replacing the filters of the Aqualine
- Ceramic filter ( depending on the water you filter, this may need to be done faster)
- PH ring
- Multi-step filter (every 6 months if you filter more than 2000L)
- Cormac or mineral cassette
Every three years:
- Mineral stones and silver stones
If you go away for a few days make sure the multi-step filter is under water. Part of the multi-step filter and part of the mineral stones/Cormac ring are impregnated with silver so that no bacterial action can take place. Preferably put the Aqualine water filter in a dark/cool place during your absence.
Going away for a few weeks? Then remove the multi-step filter and (possibly) the pH ring from your system and put them (wet) in a sealed plastic bag and put them in the refrigerator (maximum 6 months). Empty the collection tank and place the stones, for example, on a piece of kitchen roll so they can dry.
The manufacturer indicates that the multi-step filter should be replaced every year or at least after 2,000 liters of water. Part of the multi-step filter is filled with activated carbon. Carbon is susceptible to bacterial growth. In Germany, it is required by law to replace filters containing carbon every six months. Part of the carbon in our filters is impregnated with silver to prevent bacterial growth. Therefore, you can use them for an average of one year.
The combination of a 0.2 micron (0.0002 mm) ceramic pre-filter and the different layers in the multi-step filter allow you to filter about 1.5 liters of water per hour. If new filters are installed, it may take a little longer at first because the filters have to become saturated.
Basically, you clean the Aqualine/coolmart water filter system when you replace the filters or if something is going on like:
Upper tank
If white lime particles or dust particles are floating in the upper tank, flush them away under a running tap. The upper tank is easy to remove. If necessary, the inside of the upper tank may be cleaned with a brush or cloth.
The holes in the ceramic filter are only 0.0002 mm "big. Loose particles in the upper tank can clog the holes, causing the water to pass through the filter more slowly.
If the ceramic filter turns green from algae, orange/brown from calcium or black from mold then the filter is doing its job well. These deposits are only on the outside of the filter because the holes are too small for these substances to pass through.
To clean it, remove the filter from the upper tank by loosening the wing nut at the bottom of the tank.
Then hold the plastic base and filter with 1 hand. Hold the filter under a running tap and with the sanding part of a scouring pad, scour the filter with regular motions until white comes out from under the discoloration again. Then rinse the filter well under the faucet before replacing it.
Bottom Tank
'Old' Water. The water in the lower tank is mixed with the new filtered water so there is never any 'old' water left. The brown stones are impregnated with silver. This ensures that no bacteria can multiply in the stagnant water. As a result, this water stays fresh for weeks.
The lower tank does not need to be emptied first. When this tank is half empty, the upper tank can be filled and everything will drip nicely again. The contents of the upper tank are half the contents of the lower tank.
Sometimes a white haze can be seen on the water or small white flakes float in the water. This is caused by a temporary excess of calcium and magnesium in the water. Drinking water companies sometimes temporarily add extra calcium to the drinking water to keep the pH of the water from becoming too acidic. Some of this calcium passes through the filter and enters the lower tank. This temporarily upsets the balance of the water in the lower tank, causing the haze or flakes. The quickest way to get rid of this is to drain the water from the lower tank, rinse out the tank and filter new water.
In an occasional case, there is also some calcium/magnesium scale on the inside of the tank, on the bottom or on the stones. The scale on the tank can be easily removed with water and vinegar. If there is a somewhat harder layer on the bottom let it soak in water and vinegar then after a while it can be easily removed.
Musty taste to water
The stones give off minerals but also have the job of keeping the water fresh. Magnesium/calcium deposits can impair the stones' ability to do their job, causing the water to taste different. Deposits on the stones can be removed by placing the stones in a pan of water, adding a teaspoon of salt to the water (can be any kind of salt but no more than 1 teaspoon) and then boiling the stones for 15 minutes. Then let the stones cool down before placing the stones in the lower tank.
Algae scale
In our drinking water but also in the air we breathe there are traces of algae. If your water filter is not exposed to too much light or in a warm place and new water is filtered every 2 to 3 days, you will have little or no problems with algae. There are people who in the 20-plus years we have been selling these systems have never had algae in the tank. There are people who have algae in their tank every few months. Algae need light and warmth to grow. You see the same thing in nature. During warmer periods there are more algae in the water. Those are the periods to be extra vigilant for algae formation.
Algae formation starts with small green specks on the outside of the multistage filter, on the stones or on the knurled magnetic head of the tap on the inside of the tank. As soon as you see these speckles, the stones, pH ring (on alkaline systems) and multi-step filter should be removed from the lower tank. Visible green algae on the stones should be removed with a brush. Then boil the stones in a pan of water for at least 15 minutes to which you have added 1 teaspoon of salt (may be any kind of salt but no more than 1 teaspoon).
Fill the bottom tank a quarter full of lukewarm water and add a generous splash of natural vinegar. Use this mixture to wipe the inside of the tank and the outside of the filter with a cloth. Then drain the mixture through the faucet to remove any traces in the faucet. The pH ring can only be cleaned under a running tap. Never boil this ring out.
You may use vinegar (with water):
- To clean the inside of the collection tank (for example, if there is scale on the inside of the tank or if algae formation has occurred).
- Clean the outside of the multi-step filter.
- To clean the tap.
Vinegar should NEVER be used:
- To clean the ceramic filter.
- To clean the pH ring.
- To clean the mineral stones or the Cormac ring.
- Co-rinse the inside of the multistage filter.
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General maintenance of the Aqualine water filter.
In the multi-step filter we use very fine carbon. This creates a huge filter surface the size of many soccer fields.
It takes a little longer for this carbon to saturate. Before using a new multistage filter, you should place it horizontally in a bowl of water for at least 10 minutes. The filter should be held completely under water during this time. In between, you should rotate it a few times. You do this to get rid of any air and to saturate the carbon with water. If the filter floats on the surface then there is still air in it.
If you have not done this or have not done it long enough then the water will start to form channels in the carbon. Sometimes the water starts overflowing right away but usually this happens 4 to 6 weeks after the new filter is installed. Sometimes it even overflows the outside of the system and gives a leak.
Recommendation: remove the multistage filter from the system, shake it back and forth briefly, and place the filter horizontally in a bowl of water for at least 10 minutes. The filter should be held under water during this time. Then replace it.
During installation, an air bubble may have formed between the ceramic filter and the multi-step filter.
On the Aqualine 5, 12 and 18, lift the top tank for a moment to allow air to enter.
With the Aqualine Neos, you lift the ceramic filter a bit. Usually you will then see air bubbles coming out from under the filter.
This is caused by the green algae. Algae spores are everywhere in the water and in the air. These spores also get on the ceramic pre-filter of your Aqualine water filter system, sometimes causing the filter to develop a green deposit. This deposit is only on the outside of the filter. It forms through a combination of heat and light (as in the AQV 5 model with a transparent upper tank). This algae formation is only on the outside of the filter and cannot pass through the filter. It is not harmful to health and is easily removed with the scouring portion of a scouring pad. Gently "scour" the white ceramic bulb to remove the green deposits while holding the bulb under a running tap. While doing so, hold both the bulb and the plastic base firmly. The bulb and foot are glued together with special, non-toxic, glue. If the bulb detaches from the base, you can no longer use the filter.
In rare cases, algae formation may be visible in the storage tank. This is usually seen first on a lighter area in the tank (solenoid valve, multi-step filter). Because algae spores are in the tap water and in the air, you can't avoid "bringing" these spores into your system as well. You rinse your filter, pH ring and stones with tap water. When you put the tank together, spores are already entering your tank through the air. None of this is a problem if the system is used regularly. The system is then flushed and supplied with fresh water. It can become a problem if the system is too much in (sun) light or near a heat source (stove, oven). The combination of light and heat can cause algae formation. Therefore, keep the system out of direct light and away from a heat source as much as possible.
- Bring water to a boil.
- Remove the multi-step filter, pH rings and stones from the lower tank.
- Place the mineral stones in the pan and add a teaspoon of salt. Let the water boil for at least 10 minutes.
- Fill one-third of the storage tank with lukewarm water and add a splash of soda vinegar or sodium bicarbonate.
- Use a soft cloth to wipe the outside of the filter and the inside of the tank with this mixture. After cleaning, drain the mixture through the tap.
- While shaking, rinse the pH ring under a running tap.
- Rinse the inside of the tank and filter before reinstalling everything.
Tap water contains dissolved and undissolved calcium. The undissolved calcium causes the hard calcium layer on the heating element in your kettle or coffee maker. This calcium is stopped by the ceramic pre-filter in our Aqualine/AQV systems. The dissolved calcium is not a problem in your appliances but can sometimes cause a slight deposit. You can easily clean this with a dilution of about 25% vinegar. Then rinse the bottle well.
In an emergency, you can use the Aqualine 5, 12, 18 and Neos to filter ditch or rain water. These systems are designed for countries where people do not have the luxury of drinking from the tap.
Here you should keep in mind that the ceramic filter will get dirty faster. The microscopic holes in this filter are only 0.2 microns (0.0002 mm) in size. Ditch or rain water often contains dust particles and other coarser particles that will clog this filter faster.
Pour the water through a double-folded tea towel or sheet before pouring it into the top tank. Clean the filter regularly with an abrasive sponge (rough side).
You should keep in mind that both the ceramic and multistage filter will get fouled faster and thus need to be replaced more often.
Assume that after about 600/700 liters both filters need to be replaced.
Tap water contains "hard" undissolved lime and dissolved lime (calcium) and magnesium.
Hard lime is stopped by the microscopic holes of 0.0002 mm in the ceramic filter. This is why this white filter in the upper tank discolors over time. The brown/orange discoloration is caused by the lime that has clogged the holes of the filter.
The dissolved calcium and magnesium just pass through both filters. The mineral stones add small amounts of extra calcium and magnesium to the water.
If you have a Redox filter or pH ring, among other things, some additional calcium and magnesium will be released to the water to raise the pH of the filtered water.
If you put the filtered water in the kettle then it will definitely also leave deposits of calcium and magnesium. If there is a lot of calcium in your drinking water then it will also deposit more scale in the kettle.
Usually this deposit is easily removed with water a vinegar.
Our water filters are designed to filter contaminants from the water such as chemicals, drug residues, heavy metals like lead, pesticides, microplastics, PFAS, GenX etc. Although it does filter some of the calcium from the tap water, the system is not designed to decalcify. Calcium and magnesium are minerals and they belong in a small amount in water.
Ceramic filter
With a new filter
During manufacture, unevennesses are sanded away and the sanding dust extracted. In a few cases this has not been done correctly and there is still sanding dust in the small holes of the filter.
With 1 hand hold the plastic base and the white part of the bulb firmly. (If these 2 parts come loose then you can no longer use the filter.) Go over the white bulb with the soft part of a scouring pad while holding it under a running tap.
For a filter that has been in use for a while
The undissolved lime from the drinking water, as well as sediment particles, are stopped by this filter. The lime particles clog the microscopic holes of 2 microns (0.0002 mm) in the filter. As a result, the water passes through the filter slower and slower. Usually a yellowish discoloration also occurs.
Remove the filter from the upper tank. With 1 hand hold the plastic base and the white part of the bulb firmly. If these 2 parts come loose then you can no longer use the filter. Go over the white bulb with the sanding part of a scouring pad while holding it under a running tap. Keep scouring gently until the discoloration is gone. Afterwards, rinse the filter well under a running faucet to remove any abrasion. This may in fact cause the filter to clog up again.
Air bubble
When commissioning or after cleaning the system, an air bubble may have formed between the ceramic - and multi-step filter.
On the Aqualine 5, 12 or 18, lift the top tank for a moment to make the air bubble disappear. With the Neos, you have to lift the ceramic filter on 1 side for a moment to make the air bubble disappear. The filter of the Neos is clamped with a ring in the hole of the upper tank.
Water does not pass through the multi-step filter but flows over the outside of the tank (Aqualine 5/12/18 model)
In most cases, this is due to a multistage filter which is not properly saturated. The water forms channel tides in the carbon which, over time, clog up. The water then cannot pass through the filter fast enough and will overflow.
Remove the multi-step filter from the lower tank and remove the filter ring. Shake the filter well back and forth to loosen the carbon. For 10 minutes, lay the filter flat in a bowl/pan of cold water (filter should be completely under water). Turn the filter occasionally to release any air. After 10 minutes, remove the filter from the container, shake well again, attach the filter ring and hang the filter back in the lower tank. Then pour water into the upper tank to put the filter to work.
Water runs past the filter (Neos model)
The multi-step filter has air gaps in the threads. This allows air to enter and exit the tank.
If you see water running through the air gaps past the filter into the lower tank when you put it into service or after a filter change, then the filter is not properly saturated.
Unscrew the filter from the upper tank. Remove the IER filter. Shake both the IER filter a little and the multi-step filter a little more firmly to loosen the carbon.
Place only the multi-step filter (not the IER filter) for 10 minutes, flat in a bowl/pan of cold water (filter should be completely under water). Turn the filter occasionally to let any air escape. After 10 minutes, remove the filter from the container and shake it vigorously one more time.
Place the IER filter back into the multi-step filter (REMEMBER that you are putting it back the right way. The IER filter should go in easily. If you have to apply force then it is in the wrong way).
Screw the filter back onto the upper tank, then fill the tank with water to put the filter to work.
Leakage at the tap
Sometimes you can't see where the system is leaking but there is water on the countertop. Usually this is the result of a tap that is not properly installed. You can easily check this by filling the bottom tank half full of water and then holding a tissue against the ring where the tap goes through the hole in the tank.
Aqualine 5, 12 and the Neos. These systems always have 2 washers. With most washers you have a convex side and a flat side. The convex side should always be against the hole of the tank!
If you are sure that the washers are properly attached, sometimes it is enough to tighten the faucet's magnet on the inside.
Doubting whether you installed the washers properly? Then drain the water from the tank and disconnect the tap from the tank. Check that the washers are properly attached (1 on the inside and 1 on the outside of the tank). Now reattach the tap and tighten the whole thing properly.
The Aqualine 18 sometimes has 2 washers with one side having a convex side and the other a flat side. The convex side should always be against the hole of the tank!
Sometimes there are only flat washers with the system. In that case you need 4 flat washers. Two for the inside and two for the outside.
If you are sure that the washers are properly attached, sometimes it is enough to tighten the faucet's magnet on the inside.
Doubting whether you installed the washers properly? Then drain the water from the tank and disconnect the valve from the tank. Check that the washers are properly attached (One on the inside and one on the outside of the tank or two outside and 2 inside on an Aqualine 18 with 4 flat washers).
Now reattach the faucet and tighten it securely.
Leakage through the tap
Sometimes it happens that the tap does not stop after tapping but keeps dripping. The flat part at the top of the tap is a cover. Tightening this lid usually solves the problem.
If you can't figure it out please contact us.
In any case, you have a lifetime warranty on the tap.
Water does not pass through the multi-step filter but flows over the outside of the tank (Aqualine 5/12/18 model)
In most cases, this is due to a multistage filter which is not properly saturated. The water forms channel tides in the carbon which, over time, clog up. The water then cannot pass through the filter fast enough and will overflow.
Remove the multi-step filter from the lower tank and remove the filter ring. Shake the filter well back and forth to loosen the carbon. For 10 minutes, lay the filter flat in a bowl/pan of cold water (filter should be completely under water). Turn the filter occasionally to release any air. After 10 minutes, remove the filter from the container, shake well again, attach the filter ring and hang the filter back in the lower tank. Then pour water into the upper tank to put the filter to work.
Water runs past the filter (Neos model)
The multi-step filter has air gaps in the threads. This allows air to enter and exit the tank.
If you see water running through the air gaps past the filter into the lower tank when you put it into service or after a filter change, then the filter is not properly saturated.
Unscrew the filter from the upper tank. Remove the IER filter. Shake both the IER filter a little and the multi-step filter a little more firmly to loosen the carbon.
Place only the multi-step filter (not the IER filter) for 10 minutes, flat in a bowl/pan of cold water (filter should be completely under water). Turn the filter occasionally to let any air escape. After 10 minutes, remove the filter from the container and shake it vigorously one more time.
Place the IER filter back into the multi-step filter (REMEMBER that you are putting it back the right way. The IER filter should go in easily. If you have to apply force then it is in the wrong way).
Screw the filter back onto the upper tank, then fill the tank with water to put the filter to work.
Leakage at the tap
Sometimes you can't see where the system is leaking but there is water on the countertop. Usually this is the result of a tap that is not properly installed. You can easily check this by filling the bottom tank half full of water and then holding a tissue against the ring where the tap goes through the hole in the tank.
Aqualine 5, 12 and the Neos. These systems always have 2 washers. With most washers you have a convex side and a flat side. The convex side should always be against the hole of the tank!
If you are sure that the washers are properly attached, sometimes it is enough to tighten the faucet's magnet on the inside.
Doubting whether you installed the washers properly? Then drain the water from the tank and disconnect the tap from the tank. Check that the washers are properly attached (1 on the inside and 1 on the outside of the tank). Now reattach the tap and tighten the whole thing properly.
The Aqualine 18 sometimes has 2 washers with one side having a convex side and the other a flat side. The convex side should always be against the hole of the tank!
Sometimes there are only flat washers with the system. In that case you need 4 flat washers. Two for the inside and two for the outside.
If you are sure that the washers are properly attached, sometimes it is enough to tighten the faucet's magnet on the inside.
Doubting whether you installed the washers properly? Then drain the water from the tank and disconnect the valve from the tank. Check that the washers are properly attached (One on the inside and one on the outside of the tank or two outside and 2 inside on an Aqualine 18 with 4 flat washers).
Now reattach the faucet and tighten it securely.
Leakage through the tap
Sometimes it happens that the tap does not stop after tapping but keeps dripping. The flat part at the top of the tap is a cover. Tightening this lid usually solves the problem.
If you can't figure it out please contact us.
In any case, you have a lifetime warranty on the tap.
Interesting facts...
About this, read our blog we wrote to get a little more clarification on what a TDS meter does.