Multistage filter Aqualine 5 alkaline
This is the new generation multi-step alkaline filter of the Aqualine 5 (also fits the EVA and Kosan models).
The pH ring increases the pH of the water by 1 to 1.5 points. This makes slightly alkaline/basic water.
The composition of this new generation multi-step filter was developed especially for Aqualine products.
The contents of this filter include:
1st coat
High quality silver impregnated Kuraray activated carbon type 30X60. By using a special technique, Kuraray has been able to significantly reduce the size of the pores resulting in very high adsorption
2nd layer
Zeolite pellets. Environmentally friendly pellets with high adsorption value, filters chlorine compounds such as trihalomethane from the water and various heavy metals, softens the water.
3rd layer
Silica and combo beads. The balls are a combination of various substances including Tourmaline, Zeolite and Kaolin. They have a redox function and anti-bacteriological effect.
4th layer
Illite combo balls. Emit a far infrared frequency of 9.23 micrometers. This frequency vibrates in the same frequency as the human body. This activates cells, stimulates and increases micro blood circulation. They soften the water to a pH of about 7.5. Furthermore, they also have an anti-bacteriological effect.
Duration of use
Replace the filter after 2000L or after one year
Replace pH ring after 2000L or after one year
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